
      How Well Do You Really Know Your Employees?

      May 25, 2017

      aerial-view-of-mans-hands-laptop-coffee-cup-and-mobile-phone-on-table.jpgOne of the many complimentary services we offer here at goDCgo are commuter surveys, in which we have the ability to poll your employees. This allows you, as their employer, to take a closer look at your organization's travel patterns to help you uncover the bigger picture of HOW your employees travel, WHERE they travel in from, and what their wish list is to improve their commute. As an open and anonymous forum, this is a great opportunity for your employees to speak out about their commutes and perhaps company perks and/or amenities that they wish were in place. These commuter surveys will also highlight their pain points, all of which can help you become a superstar employer by providing unique benefit packages for current and future employees that address these issues. The goDCgo Employer Services team can introduce you to what options are available and identify programs that will benefit both you as the employer and your employees with robust recommendations.

      Knowing what your employees need to improve their overall commute is a win for you too, as the employer. Happy employees will stay in their job longer, so if retention is an issue, you may uncover a problem that has an easy solution. From a competitive standpoint, offering a robust commuter benefits package can also increase your marketability with future recruiting efforts compared to other hiring companies. Utilizing goDCgo services and allowing us to conduct surveys to your employees helps support you and your business at the end of the day, while also providing exactly what your employees need, but may not be asking for.

      Call us at 202-299-2186 and ask to speak with employer services to learn how a survey will help your company.


      WRITTEN BY: goDCgo

      goDCgo is an initiative of the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) that encourages the use of sustainable transportation. We provide complimentary transit resources and consulting services to DC organizations and commuters. Our goal serves to decrease traffic congestion, improve air quality and create a better quality of life in the DC area.

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