goDCgo new employer pilot ambassador program

      New Pilot Program Launching in the New Year!

      December 17, 2020

      goDCgo is proud to announce the Employer Ambassador Pilot Program. This program will involve a few select employers in the District that are looking to enhance their transportation programs, foster a culture of sustainable commuting, and reduce their carbon footprint. These employers will receive one year of guided support, including a custom sustainable transportation plan to develop or improve their commuter benefits program offering an effective and efficient opportunity for employees to commute to work. With a more holistic approach to providing services to District employers, we hope to make a bigger impact within organizations that will create lasting changes in employee commutes.  

      Points, Perks, and Participation! 
      The new pilot program will be based on a points system that will recognize employers with commuter benefit programs that support employees who choose sustainable commutes. Employers can earn points for workplace features and policies that support alternative commute choices, such as telecommuting, bike racks, dedicated carpool parking, subsidies, or other incentive programs. Points can also be earned by regularly encouraging sustainable commute choices by hosting events, sending newsletters, or participating in goDCgo promotions. Employers can earn additional points by increasing the number of employees who choose sustainable transportation choices and participate in commuter programs. Employers have a fantastic opportunity to level up their individual programs and benefit offerings while competing with the other employers in the pilot program to see who can accumulate the most points! 

      Future of the Ambassador Program 
      Existing Employer Ambassadors not involved in the pilot program can still receive goDCgo complimentary services and level up their designation. Based on the results of the pilot program, goDCgo may choose to implement these changes program-wide. All in all, we’re excited to launch the pilot program to help participating employers get going, earn points, and upgrade their commute programs!  

      Interested in Participating?
      Spots are limited and it's first come first serve! Contact goDCgo Employer Client Service Manager Rebecca Johnson to express your interest or sign up for an informational webinar to learn more.


      WRITTEN BY: goDCgo

      goDCgo is an initiative of the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) that encourages the use of sustainable transportation. We provide complimentary transit resources and consulting services to DC organizations and commuters. Our goal serves to decrease traffic congestion, improve air quality and create a better quality of life in the DC area.

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